I have been working with Kim Ponder and the PTA to create something we are calling The Eagle Running Club -- PTA Challenge.
Basically individuals will pay $10 to join in the Challenge. They will track their mileage from Mid-October to Mid-April. It would be mileage from running, walking, biking or swimming. Each Sunday they will email me their mileage from the week and I will keep track of it. When they sign up for the Challenge they will link to a school, primary, elementary, middle school or high school. At the end of the Challenge whichever school has the most mileage will receive all of the money raised. We will present that school's principal with a check that they can spend on their school in a way that helps encourage physical fitness in their school.
Over the next couple of days you will receive copies of the sign up form to send home to students. If you need more or have questions please let me know.
I invite all of you to join the Challenge. I feel it is a great way for us to model positive behavior and to help Southern Boone County schools. I am attaching a registration form to this email that you can fill out and return to me in order to join the Challenge.
By joining this Challenge not only will you be able to help yourself but also the Southern Boone schools. When you join the Challenge you will receive bi-weekly Eagle Running Club Newsletters that only Challenge members will have access to. The newsletters will include fitness tips and mileage updates. Members of the Challenge will be qualified for special giveaways and possible discounts on local runs.
Thank you for your support!
Chris Drury